Friday, November 18, 2016

12 Book/Movie Review // Due the week of December 8, 2016

Hi Everyone!

When you come back from Thanksgiving break, your book/movie review will be due!

Here is the outline of what the review should look like, but naturally, your homework should be the expanded paragraphs version of the outline :D

  1. Introduction
    1. Attention-grabber
    2. Thesis statement on whether or not the book/movie was good (Opinion because reason1, reason2, and reason3.)
  2. Synopsis
    1. Main characters
    2. Setting
    3. Plot/Goal
  3. Reason 1
    1. Support
    2. Details
  4. Reason 2
    1. Support
    2. Details
  5. Reason 3
    1. Support 
    2. Details
  6. Conclusion
    1. Wrap it up
    2. Call to Action
Should be about 2-3 pages and be on Google Drive, 12 pt font, double-spaced, with a header and title.

Spoilers are allowed, but it's better if it doesn't spoil the ending.

You can do a TV show if it's a show that has a season story, like Arrow or the Flash, rather than just a collection of funny events, like Friends.

Email me if you have questions!

Friday, November 11, 2016

11 Book/Movie Review Brainstorming // Due the week of November 18, 2016

Hi Everyone!

This week, pick 4 books or movies and list at least 5 specific comments on what was done either well or badly in the making of each. Try to be as specific as possible.

For example:

Wreck It Ralph:

  • The humor is terrible; the highest form of humor in the movie is the little girl calling Ralph mean names and using potty language. It basically has the humor of an immature 4 year old. One example of this is the joke...
  • The moral of the story, what it teaches kids, is also terrible. It teaches kids that it's okay and even funny and adorable to call other people names. This is shown when the little girl calls Ralph the names…
  • The animation and art of the movie is pretty neat. The bright colors and background detail of the candy land really make you feel like you're there. I especially like the…
  • Ralph is a boring character. He wants to be a good guy at the very beginning, the middle, and the end. That's his whole schtick, and it doesn't change the entire time—no development.
  • The plot is so complicated that it doesn't really work. You spend the whole time thinking, "Wait, who is this new character? Why do they matter?" For example…
Some factors you can talk about are:
  • Books:
    • Description
    • Imagery
    • Vocabulary
    • Illustrations
    • Etc
  • Movies:
    • Special effects
    • Sounds effects
    • Sound track (music)
    • Cinematography (camera angles and such)
    • Acting
    • Costumes
    • Make-up
    • Casting
    • Etc
  • Both:
    • Story plot
    • Moral
    • Humor
    • Mysteriousness
    • Characters
    • Setting
    • Etc
You can write your comments in bullet points, but be sure to post them on Google Drive in our folder. Thanks and email me if you have questions!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

10 Synopsis // Due the week of November 9, 2016

Hi Everyone!

This week, we are practicing synopses to get ready for the book/movie review.

A synopsis:

  • is a very short summary of a book/movie that doesn't spoil the ending
  • is 1-3 sentences maximum
  • Includes:
    • Setting
    • Main characters
    • Inciting event / the main character's goal
  • ie: Deep in the ocean, a clownfish named Marlin must go on a journey to find his fish-napped son. Along the way, he meets lots of new friends and also finds the way to be a better father.
Write 7 of these based on different books or movies!