Friday, November 18, 2016

12 Book/Movie Review // Due the week of December 8, 2016

Hi Everyone!

When you come back from Thanksgiving break, your book/movie review will be due!

Here is the outline of what the review should look like, but naturally, your homework should be the expanded paragraphs version of the outline :D

  1. Introduction
    1. Attention-grabber
    2. Thesis statement on whether or not the book/movie was good (Opinion because reason1, reason2, and reason3.)
  2. Synopsis
    1. Main characters
    2. Setting
    3. Plot/Goal
  3. Reason 1
    1. Support
    2. Details
  4. Reason 2
    1. Support
    2. Details
  5. Reason 3
    1. Support 
    2. Details
  6. Conclusion
    1. Wrap it up
    2. Call to Action
Should be about 2-3 pages and be on Google Drive, 12 pt font, double-spaced, with a header and title.

Spoilers are allowed, but it's better if it doesn't spoil the ending.

You can do a TV show if it's a show that has a season story, like Arrow or the Flash, rather than just a collection of funny events, like Friends.

Email me if you have questions!

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