Monday, January 23, 2017

18 Research Paper Notecards // Due the week of Jan. 25, 2017

Hi Everyone!

This week, the homework is to create 15 notecards with one piece of evidence on each, supporting your thesis from two weeks ago.

If you, in your researching, find that your thesis was wrong or that one of your reasons does not have enough evidence behind it, feel free to switch! That is one of the marvelous things about research: discovering when long-held opinions are not legitimate, and then being open to changing them! (It' just means you may need to change also your works cited page/etc to adapt to your new topic.)

Remember, the three types of evidence are:
Logos: Statistics, facts, logical analysis
Pathos: Personal stories
Ethos: Expert opinions

However, a common mistake is for students to organize their notecards by these three types of evidence. Notecards should be organized based on your three reasons instead.

Make sure you have at least five notecards for each of your three reasons with your thesis statement. I gave you color-coordinated notecards last week, but if you lose these, you can always make your own at home.

Email me if you have questions!

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