Wednesday, February 15, 2017

22 Revised Research Paper // Due the week of Feb. 22, 2017

Hi Everyone!

This week, you may have more or less homework depending on how much you need to revise your research papers. But either way, spend some time looking over your papers and make sure you are satisfied, using the following rubric as a guide:

Research Paper Rubric:
  • Title: 2pt
    • Make sure it's relevant to the paper (not "Research Paper") 
  • Introduction:
    • Attention-grabber: 3pt
      • It is attention-grabbing? See the different ways to be attention-grabbing in the early  posts of this blog.
    • Thesis: 4pt
      • Does it follow the formula: Opinion because Reason1, Reason2, and Reason3 ?
      • Are all three reasons separate and independent? Or do they overlap?
  • P1 Evidence: 5pt
    • Do you have a topic and concluding sentence (or at least sentences that work to intro and finish off the paragraph nicely)?
    • Do you have ~4-5 sentences of ethos, pathos, logos, and other detail?
  • P2 Evidence: 5pt
    • See above
  • P3 Evidence: 5pt
    • See above
  • Conclusion: 2pt
    • Does it adequately wrap up the paper, perhaps restating the thesis in new words?
    • Does it have a call-to-action?
  • In-Text Citations: 5pt
    • Do you cite your sources within the paper, using our format of numbers in parentheses? If you don't understand how to do this still, be sure to email to ask—it's a large percentage of the points!
    • I will check citations randomly, so make sure you're not just putting numbers in random places :D
  • Formatting: 5pt
    • Times New Roman, 12pt font —or— Arial, 11 pt font
    • Double-spaced
    • No extra spaces in between paragraphs
    • Header in the top left corner:
      • Name
      • Ms. Middaugh
      • Writing 1
      • Date
    • Paragraphs are indented
  • Total: 36pt

Email me if you have any questions!

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