Wednesday, December 3, 2014

04 Labeling Paragraphs and Chart-Making // Due the week of Sept. 22, 2016

Hi everyone!

This week, we learned about paragraphs and how the topic (first) sentence introduces the topic of the paragraphs, and then the concluding (last sentence) reflects the topic sentence!

Take the five mini-books you received in class that can also be found here:

and read the first and last sentence of each paragraph within the mini-books. Highlight/underline words from each of those two sentences that either repeat or reflect each other. Using those words as a reference, try to decipher what the topic of that paragraph is. Then label the paragraph with its given topic (i.e.: "species;" "behavior;" etc).

*Occasionally, you may have to look at the second sentence or the second-to-last sentence to help you figure out the topic.

Once you have deciphered all of the topics, then make a chart in which you list all of the paragraphs' topics for each article, in columns going down the page. You can do this handwritten or typed, but be sure to bring a copy to class that you can work with next week.

**I know this is not much homework (depending on how far you got in class). I like to give more, but the next thing we do with your lists is very complex and I want you to do it under my supervision. If you'd like more homework, I encourage you to spend time journaling or creative writing every day!

Email me if you have questions!

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