Thursday, September 22, 2016

04 Elephant Paragraphs // Due the week of September 29, 2016

Hi Everyone!

This week, you will take the elephant articles from last week and use them as resources to write your own paragraphs!

  1. Each of the paragraphs from the different articles had a different elephant-related topic (i.e.: appearance, behavior, etc). Choose three topics that interest you (make sure the topics you choose have at least 3 article paragraphs about each). Do not choose domestication, as we did that in class.
  2. Make an outline in which you have your:
    1. Topic: (ie: elephant domestication)
      1. Interesting or relevant fact/detail from one of the article paragraphs
      2. Interesting or relevant fact/detail from one of the article paragraphs
      3. Interesting or relevant fact/detail from one of the article paragraphs
      4. Interesting or relevant fact/detail from one of the article paragraphs
      5. Interesting or relevant fact/detail from one of the article paragraphs
      6. Interesting or relevant fact/detail from one of the article paragraphs
    2. Conclusion: (ie: elephant domestication)
  3. Turn your outline into a paragraph that tells about your topic in your own words and is about 6-7 sentences).
  4. Write 3 paragraphs like that, one for each of your three chosen elephant topics.
  5. Post your paragraphs on Google Drive in a document with your name in the name. 
**Soon we will be getting to writing in which you choose the topic. I've just found that if I don't start with this activity, I end up with a lot of 3 sentence paragraph—not great!

Email me if you have questions!

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