Friday, October 7, 2016

06 Logos, Pathos, and Ethos // Due the week of Oct. 12, 2016

Hi Everyone!

This week we talked about using evidence to support your opinions and reasonings!

Remember, a thesis is stating your opinion with 3 reasons.

  • ie: Cats are the best animal because they are helpful, clean, and friendly.
    • All 3 reasons must be different from each other (no overlap) and broad enough that an entire paragraph could be written on each.
Evidence is necessary to support your reasonings. There are 3 types of evidence:
  • Logos: 
    • Facts
    • Statistics
    • Logical statements
    • Numbers
    • ie: 94% of cats spend all of their time trying to help their owners.
  • Pathos
    • Personal stories
    • Emotional stories
    • ie: Betty Joe's sad story of being bitten by a dog—which is why cats are better. 
  • Ethos
    • Expert opinions
    • ie: Veterinarian John Roberts says, "There really is no animal that compares to cats when it comes to the ability to stay clean."
  • Pick one of your favorite theses from last week's homework (but not your absolute favorite). 
  • Copy and paste that thesis into a new document on Google Drive.
  • Write 3 paragraphs, one each of your three reasons from your thesis.
  • Each paragraph should have:
    • Topic sentence
    • At least 1 logos
    • At least 1 pathos
    • At least 1 ethos
    • At least 1 extra of any category 
    • Concluding sentence
  • You can make up information for this assignment! Or you can actually do the research if you want extra homework :D
Email me if you have questions!

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