Friday, October 28, 2016

09 Conclusions // Due the week of November 2, 2016

Hi Everyone!

This week, we will be peer reviewing the final persuasive essays, and writing a conclusion for your essays!

Conclusions can be brief (2-4 sentences), but they should do 2 things:
—Wrap up the essay
—Call-to-Action (Call the audience to believe/do something

Therefore, that is why it’s important to adopt cats from rescue shelters rather than pet stores. So get out there, go to your local Dumb Friend’s League or similar place and adopt an adorable, cuddly, cat!

Remember for peer reviews that you should write at least 6 comments per person’s paper, and they should follow the guidelines outlined the preview posts (see below in the blog).

The papers to peer review are:

—Soledad + Teresa

—Sam + Jocelyn

—Madison + Lillian (If you didn’t already complete Lillian’s)

Thanks and email me if you have questions!

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