Thursday, October 13, 2016

07 Peer Review 1 // Due the week of Oct. 18, 2016

Hi Everyone!

This week, your homework is to complete peer reviews for three of your classmates!

Read the ethos/pathos/logos paragraphs of the three people posted below, and write at least 6 comments for each paper, for a total of 18 comments. Remember:
—Be specific
—Be kind (even if you're saying something negative)

The types of comments could involve:
—Language: What words were interesting? What interesting words could they add? Where was there neat personality?
—Content: What evidence/ideas were effective? What evidence/ideas could they add?
—Organization: How were the topic/concluding sentences? Was the order of everything well-thought-out?

Wednesday papers:

Thursday papers:
—Laura K.
—Laura L.


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