Friday, October 21, 2016

08 Intriguing Introductions // Due the week of October 17, 2016

Hi Everyone!

This week, you'll be practicing writing intriguing introductions! Just like the last writing homework, you can make up your information, or you can find it for real—either is fine for now!

An intriguing introduction's jobs include:

  1. Grab the attention of the reader
  2. Introduce the reader to the topic (thesis)
Ways to grab the attention of the reader:
  1. Ask a thought-provoking question
  2. Tell a joke
  3. Tell a surprising fact or statistic
  4. Tell an intense story
  5. Give a quote that relates
Follow the attention-grabber with the thesis.

  1. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from the hungry people! But really, we should not eat chickens because they are intelligent, cute, and useful to society in other ways.
  2. Did you know that 400,000 cats are abandoned every day? Everyone should adopt cats from cat shelters because there are so many homeless cats, pet shops are just adding to the problem, and cats will great enhance people's lives.
  1. Pick 5 topics (it's okay if you've already written the thesis statement for the 5 topics)
  2. Write an attention grabber for each thesis you chose
  3. Write the attention grabber and then the thesis in a paragraph and post all 5 paragraphs on Google Drive
  4. Email me if you have questions!

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